Deep Learning at Scale Tutorial
Run since SC18 in collaboration with Cray, Intel (in previous years), NVIDIA, and OLCF (last year). In 2021 we held our first training event powered by Perlmutter with hands-on material for optimized distributed training at large scale on GPUs.
Deep Learning for Science School 2020 (Webinar Series)
A Shallow Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch - Evann Courdier (Idiap, EPFL)
A Modern Guide to Hyperparameter Optimization - Richard Liaw (AnyScale, UC Berkeley)
Deep Generative Models - Aditya Grover (Stanford University)
Reproducibility in Deep Learning - Koustuv Sinha (McGill University)
Uncertainty and Out-of-Distribution Robustness in Deep Learning - Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Dustin Tran and Jasper Snoek (Google Brain)
How to Evaluate Efficient Deep Neural Network Approaches - Vivienne Sze (MIT)
Symmetry and Equivariance in Neural Networks - Tess Smidt (Berkeley Lab)
Distributed Large Batch Training - Swetha Mandava (NVIDIA)
Attention & Language - Rami Al-Rfou (Google Research)
Hidden Physics Models - Maziar Raissi (University of Colorado Boulder)
Qualitative Choices in Representations for Molecules, Materials, and Surfaces - Zachary Ulissi (Carnegie Mellon University)
Deep Learning for Science School 2019
Introduction to Machine Learning - Brenda Ng
Overview of NERSC Deep Learning Stack - Wahid Bhimij
Introduction to Neural Networks 1 - Mustafa Mustafa
Introduction to Neural Networks 2 - Mustafa Mustafa
Building Neural Nets using Keras - Steven Farrell
TensorFlow 2.0 Ecosystem - Josh Gordon
Getting Your Models to Scale: Practicalities in deep learning - Joel Hestness
Deep Learning Reproducibility - Jessica Forde
Fairness and Ethics in Machine Learning - Emily Denton
Sequential Models - Luke de Oliveira
Generative Models - Emily Denton
Deep Learning for Science at NERSC - Prabhat
GANs for HEP - Ben Nachman
Deep Learning for Molecular Engineering - Jennifer Wei
Deep Learning for Quantum Chemistry - Justin Smith
Hyperparameter Optimization - Ben Albrecht
Featurewise Transformations - Vincent Dumoulin
Interpretability - Been Kim
Object Detection and Image Segmentation - Alexander Kirillov
Scaling Neural Networks Training - Thorsten Kurth
Geometric Deep Learning - Or Litany
Scaling NNs Training (Hands on) - Steven Farrell